Instead of burning your resources to find a perfect log aggragation solution use 100+ API specific data points for each API request that Treblle prepares and displays in an easy to digest dashboard.
Get full API request and response data that is shareable on click with an expiry link.
Dive deep into the metadata like location, device, response size and more.
Mask data from an SDK level and show only what is necessary to understand API usage.
Automatically detect zombie and shadow endpoints, authentication details and versions.
Know the general health of your API at a glance with the API Heartbeat feature.
Trace any request to its originating point with Treblle’s API Traceability feature.
Find a specific request or a subset of requests in a matter of seconds.
Save your searches and get alerts about it in your Slack or through email
Track API adoption, product usage and key API metrics with ease.
Find out more about Treblle products and scale your APIOps by accelerating API development and maintenance.
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