API Insights: Advanced API Governance Tool

Unlock the full potential of your APIs. Upload any Open API Spec and get a score from 1 - 100 across three main categories: design, security, and performance.

What is API Insights?

You can use API Insights as a free web app or you can download the native Mac app. Upload your OpenAPI specs in JSON or YAML to get scores (1-100) and grades (A-F) in design, security, and performance.

Insights runs 30+ tests instantly and provides detailed improvement instructions. It also compares your API to competitors and industry standards. Plus, Insights checks if your API is AI-compatible.

Why Choose API Insights?

This is API Governance Made Easy!

Fast API Governance Insights
Improve the quality of your APIs by testing against a robust number of API best practices for design, performance and security.
Download and Share
Get a perfect score of 100 (A) and share it as a part of your API strategy within your team, stakeholders or on socials to show off your API to potential customers
Compare With Industry Leaders
Follow your industries best practices and see how your competitors are doing in terms of design, performance and security of their APIs.

Watch API Insights capabilities in action

Made For API First Teams

Find out more how Treblle API Governance suite of tools can improve your API Programmes.

Contact our Treblle migration experts to help you move away from DataDog
Download API Insights

Get API Insights from 30+ tests directly from our native app, your favorite terminal or within your coding environment.

Native macOS app

Drag & Drop API spec
Share API score
Score across categories
API quality analysis

VS Code Extension

Using VS Code? Find our API Insights extension in the marketplace
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Treblle CLI for API Insights

Want to automate API checks in CI/CD? Use our CLI tool.
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