Automate API security and Turn Flaws into Fortitudes

Automatically check your APIs for SQL injections, authorization headers, SSL and 11 more security threats. Use these insights to improve overall security standards.

Implement automated and consistent API security and OWASP standards.

Detect API Threats
Get automatic security alerts for API abnormalities like traffic spikes and SQL injections. Investigate threats by filtering API requests with respect to threat level, device type, location, or user ID.
Shift Left Approach
Ensure that your APIs meet a minimum security baseline. Use our automatic API security checks to jump in front of any security threats your API might be facing.
Adhere To Industry Best Practices
Embrace API-specific best practices such as the use of authorization, SSL, encrypted HTTPS, and qualified IP addresses. Stay ahead of bad actors and malicious attacks.

Effortless Security Audits

Stop setting up exclusive test environments and replicating production configurations. Integrate the Treblle SDK once and periodically perform over 15 API security checks with the click of a button.

Improve API Security

Stop sharing screenshots of security vulnerabilities and re-creating those tests. Utilizing our automated security checks, react to threats in real-time before any real damage can happen.

Treblle helped me build a more secure API

"I have been building APIs for a while now, but using Treblle in a  hackathon made me realize the performance and security of what am building. It's not just about coding, its building for security and performance."

Ogbu Isreal, Backend Developer

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Observe your APIs now

Start using Treblle's API solutions and easily scale your APIOps.

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